Widiatmika School

Thu, 17 Feb 2022

Widiatmika Elementary School is Ready to Apply the "Merdeka" Curriculum

JIMBARAN - Widiatmika Elementary School is ready to implement the Merdeka (Independent Learning) Curriculum,  starting in the upcoming 2022/2023 academic year. The school has sent a registered letter to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education on Tuesday (15/2/2022).


"With the implementation of the Independent Learning curriculum, we are optimistic that learning in Widiatmika Elementary School will be more meaningful. Also, we can use it as a means to bring the school's vision and mission into reality," said the Principal of Widiatmika Elementary School, I Putu Edi Purwanta, Wednesday (16/2/2022).


Edi explained that there are three main characteristics in implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum. Firstly, the learning process will focus on essential lessons. This is far different from the existing 2013 Curriculum, which tends to be material-intensive so that teachers only focus on completing those subjects.


"With Independent Learning, the expectation is that teachers will have more time to bring innovation. They can conduct an assessment later, then provide feedback to the kids, and adapt the material more related to the real life of the students. That's what I call more meaningful learning, "said Edi.


Then, the structure of the Independent Learning Curriculum is also more flexible so that teachers can design their teaching programs according to the needs and learning abilities of students.


For example, teachers are given the freedom to set how many hours of lessons per week as needed. They are only given a target to complete several hours of classes per year. This is different from the 2013 Curriculum, which gives teachers to complete several hours of lessons per week.


"So that later the teacher can determine the number of hours of the lesson according to need. There is flexibility and independence there," said Edi.


Through the Independent Learning Curriculum, various learning media are prepared by the government, which are not limited to textbooks like the 2013 Curriculum. Edi said that the Widiatmika Elementary School initiative to apply for the implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum had received the full support of the Widiatmika Foundation.


"Our readiness has many aspects, from learning strategies, teaching tools, to how we plan to implement project-based learning, to collaboration involving parents and the community in learning. We have implemented it long ago, but it has not been optimal yet. We hope that these activities can be more structured with the Independent Learning Curriculum," he said.


So far, Widiatmika Kindergarten and Junior High School have also implemented the Independent Learning Curriculum. Both units implement the curriculum because they have been selected as an "Activating School" by the Ministry.


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  • PAUD/Kindergarden Widiatmika

  • SD/Elementary Widiatmika

  • SMP/Junior Widiatmika

  • SMA/Senior Widiatmika

  • SMK/Vocational Widiatmika