Widiatmika School

Tue, 11 Oct 2022

PAUD Widiatmika Presents Guest Teachers from Komunitas Kampung Dongeng

JIMBARAN - During the mid-semester break, Kindergarten and Playgroup students of Widiatmika School carried out positive activities, such as storytelling and training in clean and healthy behavior (PHBS). This activity lasts for three days, from 19 to 21 September 2022.

On the first day, the activity was filled by Komunitas Kampung Dongeng. The students looked very enthusiastic. Moreover, the fairy tale that was brought by Kak Lia from the Fairytale Village Community was fascinating, namely the Elephant and the Ant.

The head of PAUD Widiatmika, Ni Made Budiadnyani, said that the fairy tales presented by the Kampung Dongeng community used a ventriloquist doll as the medium, so the children enjoyed it.

"Kak Lia brought dolls with different voice characters, so the storytelling is very interactive," said Budiadnyani.

After the storytelling activity, students were invited to ask questions related to the moral values ​​contained in the fairy tale of the Elephant and the Ant.

"Children can also get good moral values, namely not to underestimate other people, respect and love each other," she said.

Budiadnyani added this semester, PAUD Widiatmika presents guest teachers from professionals. In the future, they plan to involve the parents of students.

"There are parents who work as veterinarians. Later, they could educate our students about animals, especially at the Animal School activities. Likewise, parents who work as dentists will provide education on how to take care of teeth," she said.



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  • PAUD/Kindergarden Widiatmika

  • SD/Elementary Widiatmika

  • SMP/Junior Widiatmika

  • SMA/Senior Widiatmika

  • SMK/Vocational Widiatmika