Widiatmika School

Mon, 25 Oct 2021

Principals of Cianjur Schools Conduct Comparative Studies at SD Widiatmika, Coordinator: "We are hard to find garbage."

JIMBARAN - Twenty-five school elementary school principals from Cianjur City, West Java, visited SD Widiatmika Monday (10/25/2021) to conduct a comparative study. The visit lasted about 1.5 hours, starting at 09.30 until 11.00 AM.


Eka Nuraini, the coordinator of this visit, said that she chose Widiatmika Elementary School due to the school's diverse culture and foundation-led management, two things not found in public elementary schools in Cianjur. Eka said that they were impressed during their short visit to Widiatmika Elementary School. The first thing that attracted the group was the green and clean school environment. 


"It's amazing. The children might have been used to it. We are difficult to find trash. It's very different from our public schools in Cianjur, where the trash is everywhere, even under the table. We wanted to know how to do that, but we were short on time," said Eka on Monday evening.


In addition, Eka also admitted that she was inspired by the full responsibility of the Widiatmika Elementary School teachers towards the students.


"We saw firsthand that the teachers there prioritized students very much, from the time the children came to school until they returned home. So if there were no pick-up, the teacher would be fully responsible until the children were picked up," added Eka. 


The principal of Widiatmika Elementary School, Putu Edi Purwanta, said that several things became the subject of this comparative study visit, which his party gave some tips to the visiting group. One of the main things that became the subject of discussion was how to make and support the "outstanding students". So far, Widiatmika Elementary School students have made achievements in the local, national, and international-level competitions.


"The achievements couldn't be done without the cooperation of the entire team: teachers, principal, and employees," said Edi.


"To capture the interests and talents of children, we provide some agendas for them to get coaching," he continued. 


Edi explained that Widiatmika Elementary School had 19 elective extracurricular activities and two compulsory extracurricular activities. Then, students can also learn more focused by joining some clubs, such as math, literature, and science clubs.


"There, they are going to be honed so that their interests and talents can get the best assistance from the Widiatmika teachers," Edi said.


  • PAUD || Kindergarten

  • SD || Elementary School

  • SMP || Middle School

  • SMA || Senior High School

  • SMK || Vocational School