Fri, 08 Jul 2022
MANGUPURA – Good news came from three teachers from Widiatmika Elementary School, Jimbaran, Badung Bali. The results of the Classroom Action Research (CAR) of the teachers were published in a national scientific journal, namely Jurnal Citra Pendidikan (JCP) Vol. 02, No. 02, April 2022. This journal is a scientific journal published by the Center for Research and Community Service STKIP Citra Bakti.
The three teachers are Jesika Nopiaty Tarigan with a research entitled Improving Understanding of Fraction Concepts Through Application of Contextual Approaches to Class IIA Students of SD Widiatmika, I Gede Sumerjaya with a study entitled Improving Learning Outcomes of English Vocabulary Mastery in Parts of Body Materials through Song Media in Class IVD Students SD Widiatmika, and Imamuddin with a research entitled The Application of Practice-Rehearsal Pairs Can Improve Memorizing Ability in Fifth Grade Students of SD Widiatmika.
I Gede Sumerjaya said that this research started from students' problems related to mastery of English vocabulary in the parts of body material in the IVD class he taught.
"There are several references that I get in this matter. I chose the song because it is simple and applicable in IVD class, where the majority of students' English proficiency in this class is at a standard level," Sumerjaya said when contacted Friday, July 8, 2022 afternoon.
The concept of learning with this song is fun and makes it easy for students to understand English vocabulary, especially parts of the body. Through this song media, learning takes place flexibly, where the students can change the lyrics and tone as desired. This research was conducted in February 2022 in two cycles.
"In the first cycle, the results are already visible. There is a strengthening of this vocabulary. Moreover, these body parts have been studied since kindergarten, so it is just a matter of deepening them," he added.
In the second cycle, it was proven that there was an increase in student understanding even though some students were still lacking. However, generally, students are interested and happy with this English lesson.
"There are flaws in this research. One of them is time because a week can only be two hours for English lessons. If it continues to be implemented, other materials will be left behind," he said.
Sumerjaya added that this PTK was an innovation from the teachers at the Widiatmika school. Moreover, the policy of the foundation continuously hones teachers' ability to write consistently.
"This is the foundation's support so that teachers at Widiatmika are always creative in planning, implementing, and evaluating learning," he said.
The principal of SD Widiatmika, Putu Edi Purwanta, said that his party is very supportive and provides space for teachers to innovate in the classroom. This is because the estuary will have an impact on students.
Even schools design weekly routine programs through teacher working groups (KKG). The KKG is held every Friday after students leave school for one hour. Through this KKG, teachers can share learning innovations and discuss PTK.
"We also facilitate the dissemination of research for teachers in collaboration with universities. We are collaborating with STKIP Citra Bakti and Unmas (Maharaswati University)," said Edi, who was contacted by telephone.
He added that the three PTKs published were the result of dissemination on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, with STKIP Citra Bakti. As a result, six PTKs received appreciation from STKIP Citra Bakti lecturers.
"Currently, only three titles have been published. The next three titles will be published," he added.
Meanwhile, the Head of STKIP Citra Bakti, Dr. Ngurah Laba Laksana, M.Pd., say the three loaded titles are indeed worthy.
"Indeed, the quality of the writing is good. There are not many revisions and inputs from editors and reviewers for these three PTKs. And it deserves to be included in our national journal, the Citra Pendidikan Journal," he said.
He added that making this PTK began with a training process by the Citra Bakti campus with SD Widiatmika. In the process, the teachers produce CAR, and dissemination is carried out. The results are then continued with the publication process.
"Because there is a collaboration between Widiatmika and our campus, teachers can publish their research in our journals," he concluded.