Widiatmika School

Thu, 23 Dec 2021

Embracing Diversity: Widiatmika Kindergarten Kids Celebrate Christmas Together

JIMBARAN - Welcoming Christmas Day, kids of Widiatmika Kindergarten participated in the celebration. Together they made a large Christmas tree with all of its accessories.


"Before the celebration, we made Christmas decorations such as the stars, the balls. After that, the kids decorate the Christmas tree even though she is not a Christian," said Ni Nyoman Sawitri, a kindergarten class teacher, Thursday (12/23/2021).


Awi said that the kids didn't have to wear their uniforms. They were also free from the learning activities at school. Everyone was having fun, including the teachers who would get to play the role of Santa Claus, giving gifts for the kids. Either Christian or non-Christian kids all gathered for joy in the school hall. 




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"Later, the Christians would come forward, light the candles, and then show others how they used to pray," said Awi.


"After that, everyone was invited to watch a movie about Christmas, then Santa Clause would come into the hall to give gifts to all. We used to have a Black Pit too, who will look for children who don't listen to their teacher, but unlucky the Black Pit couldn't be there. Even so, it was still a lot of fun," she continued.


This activity is a part of the Widiatmika's spirit to create a generation that can embrace and love the diversity of this nation. Not only at Christmas, but similar activities have also been routinely held to celebrate other religious holidays.


During Eid, for example, female teachers wore hijab and cooked "opor" to eat together. Then, during Chinese New Year, there would be a lion dance parade.


"First of all, this is to introduce kids to nationalism, where they will get to know various religions, recognize diversity from early on," explained Awi.


"We have to introduce diversity from an early age so that they don't discriminate between friends based on their religion, so they want to be friends with all," she concluded.


  • PAUD/Kindergarden Widiatmika

  • SD/Elementary Widiatmika

  • SMP/Junior Widiatmika

  • SMA/Senior Widiatmika

  • SMK/Vocational Widiatmika