Widiatmika School

Wed, 31 Aug 2022

Counseling teacher of Widiatmika Middle School Campaigns for Anti-Sexual Violence Program Movement

JIMBARAN - Widiatmika Middle School Counseling Guidance Teacher, Ni Luh Anik Suryani, was one of the speakers in the Workshop on Prevention of Bullying, Sexual Violence, and Intolerance at Middle School Levels in 2022. This workshop refers to Ministerial Regulation No. 82 of 2015 concerning Prevention and Overcoming Violence in Educational Units.


The activity, which was held on 22 - 24 August 2022 at the Aston Denpasar Hotel, was carried out by the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education, Kemenristekdikti.


Anik Suryani said that there are three sins in the education world: bullying, sexual violence, and intolerance. These three things are different, and there must be each program to overcome this. Widiatmika Middle School already has an anti-bullying program.


"We have a program called Sweb or SMP Widiatmika Free Bullying," she said.


Meanwhile, an anti-sexual violence program is currently being worked on. During the workshop and afterward, his party immediately launched this program.


"For the sexual violence program, it will be made directly during training. Later it will be conveyed to the principal," she added.


The program includes prevention and countermeasures. Prevention is carried out by outreach to school residents, especially teachers who will later accompany students.


Anik said that sexual violence is not only a matter of physical contact but also occurs in cyberspace. He gave an example that spreading inappropriate photos on social media could also potentially lead to sexual violence.


"For example, there are students who get acquainted through social media. After being familiar with them, they ask for inappropriate photos, an example of sexual violence. Moreover, until it is disseminated," she said.


What's more, the junior high school phase is a phase where students enter puberty and are very vulnerable to becoming victims of sexual violence. Students must understand the extent to which the limits of fairness in the association are not to go too far.


"The material obtained from the resource persons during the workshop was disseminated to the school community," she said.


Anik also mentioned this program would be implemented as soon as possible.



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  • PAUD || Kindergarten

  • SD || Elementary School

  • SMP || Middle School

  • SMA || Senior High School

  • SMK || Vocational School