Widiatmika School


Vision & Mission


"Creating a generation that is intelligent, cultured, and has a good and noble character."


The indicators of the vision are as follows:

A. Intelligent

  • Carry out active, creative, effective, and innovative learning
  • Optimizing the learning and guidance process
  • To excel in various competitions, both academic and non-academic

B. Good Character

  • Excellence in 18 values of national character education, namely: religion, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the homeland, friendly, love to read, care for the environment, care for social and responsibility.

C. Cultured

  • Realizing education that upholds local and national cultural values
  • Respect diversity

D. Noble Character

  • Show a caring attitude towards fellow school members and the environment
  • Realizing school citizens who have high discipline, have a noble character, and are responsible 





  1. Organizing learning to develop critical, effective, innovative, creative, and active thinking skills in problem-solving
  2. Organizing learning and guidance effectively so that students develop optimally according to their potential
  3. Implement participatory management by involving all school members and stakeholders
  4. Encourage students to excel both academically and non-academic at least up to the district level
  5. Encourage and help each student to recognize their potential so that they can develop optimally
  6. Strive for completeness of infrastructure facilities to support the achievement of school activity programs, especially the literacy room
  7. Familiarize school residents to carry out the 5S (senyum, salam, sapa, sopan, santun)
  8. Conducting social and religious activities in a programmed and sustainable manner
  9. Familiarize students to keep themselves and their environment clean
  10. Familiarize students to act in accordance with religious values ​​and socio-cultural values.
  11. Cultivate a sense of caring, a sense of ownership, a sense of responsibility, and pride with the school


  • PAUD/Kindergarden Widiatmika

  • SD/Elementary Widiatmika

  • SMP/Junior Widiatmika

  • SMA/Senior Widiatmika

  • SMK/Vocational Widiatmika