Widiatmika School


Vision and Missions


Superior in academic and non-academic, faithful, cultured and have a noble character in behavior.

 The Vision achievement indicators are as follows: 

a. In Academic and Non-academic Fields

1. Realizing the curriculum development under the content standards

2. Fulfilling competitive graduate competency standards 

3. Realizing a good learning process in a fun learning

4. Preparing all the extracurricular activities under the interests and talents of the students

5. Supplying the adequate education facilities 

6. All of the teachers must have minimal bachelor degree for academic qualification, and 10% of them must have master degree 

7. The realization of school management in accordance with National Standard 

8. The realization of a good quality assessment system


b. Faithful and Cultured

1. Realizing a school atmosphere that upholding local and national cultural values

2. The realization of learning process based on technology which upholding IMTAQ values

3. Respect the diversities (multi-culture)


c. Have Noble Character in Behavior

1. Realizing the school society who discipline, noble, and responsible

2. Showing a caring attitude in the school and in the community 



1. Training the students to get achievements in academics and non-academics, at the district level in minimum

2. Realizing the school achievements in academics and non-academics, at national and international level 

3. Realizing the graduation standard with grade minimum of 75, in accordance with the National Standard

4. Realizing the innovative and contextual learning process

5. Realizing the professional educator resources 

6. Improving the teachers, staffs, and students' abilities in the use of foreign languages (English and Japanese)

7. Realizing complete and adequate facilities and infrastructure as needed

8. Realizing a transparent and accountable school management

9. Realizing an adequate standard cost 

10. Realizing an accurate and qualified scoring system

11. Familiarize the school society to implement 5S (Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan dan Santun)

12. Creating a work atmosphere in accordance with the indicators of school culture which are discipline, participation, responsibility, togetherness, honesty, kinship, and have a passion for life and study

13. Instilling an attitude to respect each other 

14. Familiarize the students to take care of the environment to support the clean and green program


  • PAUD || Kindergarten

  • SD || Elementary School

  • SMP || Middle School

  • SMA || Senior High School

  • SMK || Vocational School