Widiatmika School

NEWS PAUD Widiatmika

Fri, 28 Jun 2024


Wed, 12 Oct 2022

Applying Clean and Healthy Behavior, PAUD Widiatmika Invites Doctor Kanthi

JIMBARAN - PAUD Widiatmika regularly invites guest teachers to realize the Merdeka Learning program. In the 2022/2023 school year, the guest teacher program is held in the middle of the odd semester a…readmore

Tue, 11 Oct 2022

PAUD Widiatmika Presents Guest Teachers from Komunitas Kampung Dongeng

JIMBARAN - During the mid-semester break, Kindergarten and Playgroup students of Widiatmika School carried out positive activities, such as storytelling and training in clean and healthy behavior (PHB…readmore

Tue, 03 May 2022

Teaching Innovations from 40 Kindergarten and SD Widiatmika Teachers Ready to be Published in Scientific Journals

JIMBARAN - Widiatmika Kindergarten and Elementary School held a Class Action Research (CAR) dissemination conducted by teachers Wednesday (27/4/2022). The head of SD Widiatmika, I Putu Edi Purwanta, s…readmore

Fri, 21 Jan 2022

Widiatmika Kindergarten Selected as the Activating School by the Ministry of Education

JIMBARAN - Widiatmika Kindergarten has been selected as an “activating school” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education. From the many schools in B…readmore

Mon, 06 Dec 2021

Foody Class, a Way to Introduces Healthy Food and Explore Kids' Creativity

JIMBARAN - Widiatmika Kindergarten is back to hold the "Foody Class" postponed for almost two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Friday (12/3/2021). Before the pandemic, the Foody Class was…readmore

Tue, 05 Oct 2021

When the Children and Teachers are Back and Sing Together at PAUD Widiatmika

The wait is finally over. Widiatmika Kindergarten/Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is now back fulfilled by the cheers of the kids and teachers who can feel each other presence, face to face, at schoo…readmore

Thu, 12 Apr 2018


Thu, 20 Oct 2016



  • PAUD/Kindergarden Widiatmika

  • SD/Elementary Widiatmika

  • SMP/Junior Widiatmika

  • SMA/Senior Widiatmika

  • SMK/Vocational Widiatmika